From Wimal Sockanathan 10th January 2020

My favourite memory of NIHAL goes back to when I was a Radio Announcer with the Radio Ceylon Commercial Service The period was 1970s when Sri Lanka had no TV and all the musically talented teenagers like NIHAL , PARAMESH (Trincomalee) & T VIPULANANDA MOORTHY flocked to our Naional Radio (SLBC) I met Nihal again in London in the early eighties when he had produced and presented a Tamil Music Programme at the MERTON HALL (now known as Centre court Shopping Mall) Nihal is an extremely talented Musician passionate about MusicI have no doubt that his name will remain carved in the hearts of hundreds of MUSIC lovers who have heard him and enjoyed HIS legacy is his VOICE WHICH WILL REMAIN ETCHED IN THE MINDS OF ALL WHO KNEW HIM GOD HAS TAKEN NIHAL AWAY FROM US TO BE WITH HIM IN GOD'S HEAVENLY KINGDOM. GOOD BYE NIHAL